Friday, December 09, 2011

Essential Hair Care; Essential Oil Blends for Dry, Oily and Normal Hair

hair care | conseils beauté cheveux

Hair, it can help you looks years younger, make an outfit and even make us look years younger. Oh, sorry, I already said that.

But whether we just want to maintain what we have already or maybe you are starting to die your hair every month and looking for a natural hair conditioner, we've gathered a few tips for you.


Selected essential oils to help reduce dandruff are:
  • Tea Tree
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary (Dark Hair)
  • Lemon (Fair Hair)
Select any one of the above 3 essential oils (tea tree essential oil on the hair smells incredibly beautiful! Please remember to read Basic Essential Oil Guide No. 1 before starting your path with essential oils.

  • A few drops of any one essential oil mentioned-above in your shampoo
  • 8-10 drops to 6oz of distilled water, shake and use this blends your last rinse.
Remember to use these applications as directed, in small amounts and not for every wash as these essential oils can dry the hair just in one wash.


Create a Moisturizing Shampoo by creating this blend and adding it to your shampoo :

  • 5 drops of Jojoba oil,
  • 3 drops of Carrot Oil,
  • 2 drops of Sandlewood Essential Oil.

Good essential oils for falling hair are:
  • Rosemary Essential Oil
  • Lemon Essential Oil
  • Palma rosa Essential Oil
Last Rinse Blend 6 oz of Spring water with 4/6 drops of one or a combination of any of the essential oils mentioned-above, this should be your last rinse.

Conditioner: Add 2 tablespoon of Almond Oil with 8 to 10 drops of essential oil listed above.


Lemon Essential oil works well for a treatment for dry scalp, dandruff and lice. Again, be careful to only use lemon on hair that is very oily as this can seriously dry out the hair after just one washing or rinse.

  • 10 drops of Lemon with 1 drop of Basil added to shampoo.


  • Peppermint Essential Oil
  • Basil Essential Oil
Peppermint essential oil not only smells wonderful, it helps to stimulate blood flow to the root of the hair. Add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to distilled water and spray the hair; you will feel a tingle on your scalp. Aromatherapists claims this will help to stimulate the blood flow to the hair and therefore will help hair grow.

Basil essential oil is also reputed to promote hair growth by stimulating circulation. Again, you can add a few drops of Basil either in the shampoo or conditioner.


Beer Rinse: Beer coats the hair and contains proteins. I do this once a year. Beer 4 oz, 5 drops of rosemary and 5 drops of lemon.


Other great articles:
Essential oils have not been tested by the FDA or Health Canada.  Even though we have been using essential oils for centuries for many applications and uses, including hair care however, at this time essential oils cannot make any regulated claims.

Please remember to read our Essential Oil Primer Guide.

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