Monday, July 18, 2011

How do you get them in your door? ~ Sales Tips #10

Build a Reputation

Every time a happy customer leaves your shop, get a testimonial. These can then be added to your website and future mailings.

Do one thing that is different from your competitors. This could be as simple as being open earlier to having a seating place for the hubbies.

Be Always Selling

Create your list
If you are tight on money, can't afford an advertising program and need sales fast then go the old-fashion route. Create a call list.

You probably get those small phone directories?  They are usually 4x6 in size and just have local businesses listed, you know what I'm referring too? And in this directory it also has all those phone numbers of your target market... all looking for a manicure, pedicure, spa time with friends, etc, etc.

And, start cold calling!

Know your numbers
It's a numbers game.   Set one hour every day, make 10 phone calls for 5 days, you've contacted 50 prospective clients.  Not in, leave a message and tell them if they come in based on this phone call, they get a 10% discount!  Should anyone on your list answer your call they will be pleasantly surprised.  Why?

Because it is not an email......

Make the Outside Intriguing

Invest in beautiful pots, placed next to your shop's door. Create some excitement that people when walking by they want to stop and visit your store.

Repeat Business

Ask ~ how are we doing?
In the end, the best way to get them in your store is that you are offering what your clients want.  You need to ask them after every visit, how did we do, how can we improve?

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