Monday, June 03, 2013

Reduce brain fatique, daily stress with a walk in the park

It's not just our skincare products and processed foods that is giving us little nutritional substance.  Today, it's also sitting long hours in front of our computers that is becoming a growing health concern.  It can drain our vitality and happiness.

In a recent article written by The David Suzuki Foundation, it states, that, "researchers have built an increasingly persuasive case for what most of us know intuitively: nature is good for us. Being regularly immersed in a natural setting can reduce stress while boosting immunity, ingenuity and energy."

And, that's the good news.

It’s as easy as walking out to your local park for 10 minutes, sitting quietly and soaking in the sun will improve your mood and allow the brain to rest.  Scientist calls this "soft fascination", a time where your brain does not focus on anything specific, providing your brain a time to reset.

There you have it.  Spending 10 minutes in the park is now doctor recommended! 


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